Role of RTLB

How We Work

The Ministry of Education and other education services, agencies, and organisations – such as the Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) service – are available to work alongside schools and kura to provide learning support when it is needed.

Support includes system-wide, targeted, or individual support. This approach ensures mokopuna who have learning support needs or disabilities are welcomed. Furthermore, their achievement and progress is acknowledged, and their wellbeing and participation is supported.

RTLB work with families, whānau, teachers, schools, kura, and clusters of schools to help students fulfil their learning potential, especially when barriers they face are greater than the support available in general classroom education and the related resources.

RTLB teams (also known as clusters) are groups of itinerant, fully-registered specialist teachers with the training and skills to provide the RTLB service. Each cluster has an allocated number of RTLB positions and has a professional leadership structure (cluster manager and practice leaders) that ensures all RTLB provide an effective, quality service to schools, kura, and clusters of schools.

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He Pikorua

He Pikorua guides our practices so we can work together within the Learning Support Delivery Model to provide a coherent, evidence-based approach. He Pikorua in action provides a flexible approach for responding to the needs of mokopuna, whānau, educators, teams and communities, that supports the spiral of inquiry and continuous improvement.