Relational trust underpins the way we work at Manawanui.
Manawanui is a workplace where authentic relationships happen to enable open communication, growth, honest discussion and safe interactions so that we can provide/contribute to best outcomes for all.
Whakawhanaungatanga | Build connections
Kohikohi | Gather Information
Atā Whakaaro | Sense-Making
Tātai | Plan Collaboratively
Whakamahi | Take Action with Integrity
Whai Whakaaro | Reflect Together
Mana Motuhake | Empower Others
We provide a culturally responsive and strengths-based specialist support service to mokopuna, whānau and kaiako which aims to enable all mokopuna to have best access to the curriculum and to maximise their potential in an inclusive and sustainable way.
Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour
Manawanui Cluster 10
Papatoetoe Intermediate School
175 Motatau Road
Auckland 2025
Phone: (09) 278-9763 ext827
Cluster Manager:
None at this time